BeReal Fullstack Code

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This is the full code for a FullStack BeReal Clone application based on the Udemy course by Cem Salta.

Here are some of the topics covered:

App Development • Swift Language (complete language) • Protocols • Frameworks • User Interface • View Protocol • Opaque Types • Text • Modifiers • Color View • Image View • Event Modifiers • Custom Modifiers • Async/Await • Layout • Safe Area • Priorities • Alignment Guides • Groups • Custom Views • Previews • Preview Modifiers • Environment • Property Wrappers • @State • @Binding • @Environment • @AppStorage • Model • Observable • @EnvironmentObject • View Model • Combine Framework • Publishers • Subscribers • Transforming values • Operators • Subjects • Controls Button View • TextField View • SecureField View • Toggle View • Slider View • Stepper View • Navigation View • NavigationLink View • TabView View • Sheets • Popovers • Alert Views • Action Sheets • Split Views • Custom Navigation • Size Classes • Orientation • GeometryReader View• Preferences • Conditional Code • Menu • Multiple Windows Support • Lists • ForEach View • ScrollView • List View • Sections Edition Mode • Custom Buttons • Search • Picker View • DatePicker View • Forms • Shapes • Charts • Gradients • Images • Paths • Custom Shapes Transformations • Animations • Hit Testing • Transitions • Gesture • Notification Center • System Notifications • User Notifications • Provisional Notifications • User Defaults • File Manager • URLS and Paths • Files and Directories • Bundle • Archiving • Encoding and Decoding • JSON •• Core Data Model • Core Data Stack • Sort Descriptors • Swift Language .• And much more.

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BeReal Fullstack Code

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